Making sense of the existential dread I feel from the sudden rise of ChatGPT and resolving the conflict between affordances and the humanity of doing difficult things.
Instead of killing your darlings, what if you stored them in a place with a foul sounding name until they were ready for their moment? That’s a job for the humble Shit File.
While all the collected events of this life and others coalesce to make the unique you, you don’t have to be a victim of other people’s choices. Shedding the residue of the past is much easier than you think.
In another moment down went Alice after it [the white rabbit], never once considering how in the world she was to get out again. —Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
I love to write, and I write a lot. But it’s not easy. Slow Writing is the process I’ve developed to get going, beat block, stay moving, and produce finished work.
Each of us is one thing and many things at once, but we often spend large swaths of life avoiding our own complexity instead of embracing it as a sign of our uniqueness.